Jul 17 Written By Bob Fertik Let's SwipeBlue to Win This November. Here's how: 1. Match your Contacts and guess their votes 2. Swipe Blue for Biden, Red for Trump, or Green for Unknown 3. We will help Blue swipes register and vote safely by mail 4. We will convince Green swipes to vote for Biden 5. Ask 3 friends to join SwipeBlue 6. See your impact in your Dashboard 7. Defeat Donald Trump and elect Democrats everywhere! Bob Fertik
Jul 17 Written By Bob Fertik Let's SwipeBlue to Win This November. Here's how: 1. Match your Contacts and guess their votes 2. Swipe Blue for Biden, Red for Trump, or Green for Unknown 3. We will help Blue swipes register and vote safely by mail 4. We will convince Green swipes to vote for Biden 5. Ask 3 friends to join SwipeBlue 6. See your impact in your Dashboard 7. Defeat Donald Trump and elect Democrats everywhere! Bob Fertik