
Welcome to SwipeBlue!

Our mission is to defeat Donald Trump by making sure every Democrat is registered and able to vote safely by mail for Joe Biden.

Your mission is to find all the Democrats in your contact list and swipe blue (right) if you think they will vote for Joe Biden or swipe red (left) if they will vote for Donald Trump.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. To help you find your Democratic friends, we first ask your permission to match your contact list to the public voter file, so we can show you their party registration.


2. Start to swipe! People who are going to vote for Joe Biden, swipe blue (right). For people who will vote for Donald Trump, swipe red (left).

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Every time you swipe blue, SwipeBlue will text that person a link to verify their registration and pledge to vote safely by mail for Joe Biden. You do not have to contact them yourself, unless of course you want to! We will protect your privacy by anonymizing all swipes so they do not refer to you.

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You can swipe at your own pace, and measure your impact in your Dashboard. Of course the sooner you swipe, the sooner we can make sure every Democrat is registered and able to vote against Donald Trump.

Want to do more?

Advanced users can swipe green for swing voters or swipe brown for contacts who are not eligible to vote. You can review Independent and even Republican voters to find more Biden supporters. And you can find missing matches by adding their state and legal first name.

If you like SwipeBlue, we hope you’ll ask your Democratic friends to join us.

If we all SwipeBlue, we will defeat Donald Trump and sweep Joe Biden and Democrats everywhere to victory in November.

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik and the SwipeBlue team


