Match Your Friends
SwipeBlue securely matches your contacts to the voter file.
To protect your privacy, we do not store your matches on our server - we only store them on your phone inside SwipeBlue.
To delete all your matched data, simply delete SwipeBlue. This will not change your phone’s contact list in any way.
1) During installation, we first match your contacts to the voter file based on their cellphone and name. You can see all these matches when the “Matched” filter is on (blue). Notice we add their political party from the voter file : Democrat (D), Republican (R), or Independent/Other (?)
2) Many contacts do not “Match” for various reasons including:
Children under 18
Changed cellphones
Partial names (“Mom” or “Mary”), nicknames, complicated names, changed names, misspellings, etc.
So we “guess” possible matches using parts of your contact data and show a green icon for you to tap.
Your tap will display our best “guesses.” If you see a good match, click to add it to your “Matched” list.
3) Some contacts have too little data for us to even “guess” matches. We color these yellow and add a “Match” label so you can add more data to attempt a match.
When you click the name, we show the data stored in your Contact and ask you to provide better data:
Full first name - their legal name as it would appear in the voter file
Last name - in case it is misspelled
State - use the 2-digit postal abbreviation
Age range - slide the brackets to change the default